Exhibiting at conferences and trade shows is a great way to get your brand and your product noticed, connecting with individuals on a more personal level and laying the foundation for future success. But when you’re looking to exhibit you are entering into immediate competition with the organizations and displays around on you on the trade show floor. In this competitive environment, you need to ensure that you have the best booth possible to attract attention and convey your message.
Banners are one tried and true method of triggering this attention, and ELDS, Inc has one of the widest selection of trade show stand up banners available backed up by comprehensive design services and in in-house production. We have a proven track record of success in the market and will help you develop a well-rounded and attractive display for either purchase or rent.
Your event team requires banners which are both eye-catching and well designed. Visual appeal is integral to attracting initial attention on the event floor, and stand up display banners offer a useful solution in any number of situations. You need a design that can get you noticed right away but is still interesting enough that it draws the attendees in when they’re passing by, clearly communicating what your brand, product, or service is and setting up future conversations or demonstrations.
Stand up banners are also a great solution for small event teams handling their own set up and tear down. Exhibitors often need banner displays that are easy to carry and set up and most stand up banners can be comfortably carried deployed by a single individual in less than five minutes. With a wide selection of available models suited for displays and exhibitions of any size ELDS, Inc can find the portable stand up banner solution best suited to your needs.
Our expert designers are standing by to help you craft the perfect banners and exhibit for your product or brand. We’ll work with you, getting to get to know your business and designing an exhibit that is perfectly suited to your brand. With in-house manufacturing, direct access to designers, and proprietary project management software available our customer service team is serious about seeing your company succeed. With over a quarter of a century of experience we’ll be with you from start to finish on your journey to success.