If your team is exhibiting at an upcoming trade show, you have some planning to do. Experienced exhibitors understand that they cannot simply set up a trade show table, stand nearby, and automatically generate great sales leads.
Trade show exhibits require much more than just booking a booth at a conference and setting up a plain tabletop with some brochures scattered across it. Exhibitors need to make their booth experience memorable and see it through, choosing the right elements to convey their message and maximize interaction and ROI.
ELDS, Inc creates superior trade show designs for businesses and organizations of all sizes, enabling your trade show exhibits to stand out on the trade show floor.
Known for trade show booth rentals and sales, our design and preparation services can help you and your event team decide on the best approach for an attention-grabbing and welcoming booth that maximizes your ROI and enables your team to better interact with customers on the trade show floor.
What message do you want your attendees to walk away with? Will your booth be memorable? Will they remember the display, or the product, brand, or service it is intended to highlight? Will you be able to stay within your budget and still get the results you need?
Our team is standing by to help you answer these questions and others. From interactive displays to photo booths, swag, or social media interaction, we understand modern trade show best practices and can help ensure your booth accomplishes your goals and garners the best results possible. It’s all about creating an experience, bringing the right people and having the booth design to draw in attendees.
And remember that trade shows are tough work, requiring long days that will consist of interfacing with hundreds and sometimes thousands of people.
This is draining and can make even the most seasoned sales professional winded as they will sell your brand to the attendees. ELDS, Inc can design beautiful exhibit layouts that make this process more comfortable and more effective, with components that assist in sales presentations and transmit your message clearly from banners, LED displays, demonstration centers, and other components. With ELDS, Inc you will work directly with a design team to craft an event booth that is on brand and easy to operate within.
To learn more, contact one of our representatives now to discuss your trade show exhibit needs.